Our welding machines can make every kind of product: high chairs, strollers, baby carriages, baby bath and changers, loungers and baby bouncers.
Our wide range includes:
- high frequency welding machines with fixed or movable working-planes,
- high frequency welding/blanking machines with movable superimposed or opposite planes,
- high frequency welding/blanking machines with an automatic feeder to weld and blank particulars from rolls,
- high frequency welding/blanking machines with rotating table to weld and/or emboss, blank and screen-print up to four colours of particulars from sheet.
You can buy both brand new and second-hand machines. Our is a “guaranteed second-hand” and the machines are overhauled and sold with Bizeta’s guarantee.
Contact our company to have a specializing technical assistance.
You can see the most recent proposal available for immediately delivery if you visit the specific section “second-hand” of our website available for immediately delivery.
Bizeta: the quality of our brand at your service.